Thursday, March 26, 2015

"Just when I thought you couldn't be any dumber..."

Have you ever watched a movie because a reviewer gave it "5 stars" or someone gave it "Thumbs up" only to find yourself questioning whether this person saw the same film you just did?

How about when you go to the theater with a group of friends and after coming out of the show, they're talking about how terrible the movie was and you bite your tongue because you thought it was an instant classic.

Well, we're going to look at my top 10 polarizing films of the last 30 years.

I'm not saying that I like or dislike all of the films on this list.  I'm just saying that these films have a split audience of people that loved them and people that wish they could sue for having lost about 2 hours of their time.

We're going to start with number...

10. Anchor Man

For some people, this movie made about as much sense as paying for sand at the beach.  But for others, the plot and credibility of this film is irrelevant to the laughable quotes and ridiculous dialogue.  I know dozens of people that still quote it to this day and I have people that "sigh" at the mention of its name.


9. Avatar
The most resounding criticism this movie gets is the claim that it is a rip-off "Pocahontas" or "Dances with Wolves."  Whatever your feelings might be, there's no denying the ground breaking special effects that this film brought.


8. Signs
So, an advance, intelligent, extraterrestrial race decides to take over a planet where 70 percent of the surface, the atmosphere and even the beings that indwell it are made up of the one substance that is hazardous to them?  Okay, buddy.  Yeah, that sounds like a solid plot.


7. Death Proof
For the avid Tarantino fan, this movie is right up their alley.  It has subtle humor, gore, and a whole lot of 70's technology mocking.  For those that don't get Tarantino's style, this movie was confusing, disturbing and awkward.


6. Cloverfield
This film was supposed to revolutionize the thriller/horror genre.  The entire movie is taken from a first person camera angle.  Whether you love or hate the story, be ready for some crazy motion sickness!


5. Iron Man 3

Plot twist can make or break a film, but when you take the protagonists arch-enemy and turn him into Austin Powers, you're going to upset some people.  To put into perspective for those that don't think it's a big deal, imagine if half way through the Dark knight, the Heath Ledger's joker wasn't really the bad guy but he was actually some actor hired by the scare crow to send Batman on a wild goose-chase.


4.  The Village
The second entry by Mr. Shyamalan on this list.  The thing about plot twist is if they're too far fetched you end up loosing your audience and just upsetting them.  Was it really necessary to make it modern time?  Wouldn't it have worked just fine with the elders being the monsters? Oh, well.


3. Into the Woods
This one holds a little close to the chest for me.  I sincerely made an effort to try and like this movie.  I was frustrated in the theater and kept thinking, WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END!?!?


2.  The Room
"The Room" has been dubbed the "Citizen Kane of bad movies."  It is SO terrible that it's actually entertaining.  However, many people fail to see the point of the watching it because it's terrible.  It wasn't meant to be a comedy, but somehow you can't stop laughing.


1. Napoleon Dynamite
Was there ever any doubt?  I've seen friendships end because of this movie.  I've seen fights ensue because of a T-shirt someone is wearing.  All I can say is that I remember stepping out of the theater and thinking to myself "What was that?!?" only to find myself quoting it with my friends and laughing about it 10 minutes later.

Do you agree with my list?  What movies make you scratch your head?  Please comment below.


  1. Thanks... The fact that someone commented on a blog post from Two years ago (eek, has it really been that long!?) is inspiring me to start writing again. Thanks again... whoever you are. :-)
