Monday, March 23, 2015

"...I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right!"

So, there are certain movies that I avoid just out of plain principle.  Last night, I had a movie night with a few friends their girlfriend/wives and the topic came up.  I explained that I refused to watch any of the Harry Potter films strictly out of principle, to which my friend Dusty said: "You have a blog!  About Movies!  You can't refuse to watch movies when you have a blog!"

To which I replied:  "Dang it!  You're right!  I hate that you're right!"

So, I've made a commitment to... *Sigh*... Watch all EIGHT Harry Potter movies.

DON'T RUSH ME!  Let me take my time!  LOL

My friend Jimmy said he'd bring them over and we'd watch one or two at a time, so while I'm not looking forward to it, my next few movie reviews will likely be about either "The Sorcerer's Stone" and/or "The Chamber of Secrets"

Please pray for me.*gulg*

*Disclaimer:  All quotes of the actual event noted above are paraphrased and intended for comedic effect (Happy, Dusty?)


  1. This friend of yours is very wise

  2. 10 things I hate about you :')

    Oh, and I have all 8 movies if you wanna borrow them. :p

  3. But does she know 10 things i hate about you is actually shakespear?

    1. Indeed she does, Anonymous. It's a take on The Taming of the Shrew, to be exact. Thank you, and good day.
