Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"... Let's do the 'Thelma and Louise' ending"

Have you ever watched a movie and thought, "Why didn't they just do _____??"

There are so many plot holes in movies.  Whether it be the fact that The Predator is only hunting them because they have guns... yet they carry guns around throughout the hole movie, only to have Arnold not carry a gun at all the entire second half and still be chased by The Predator... (whew, that was a long rant)... or the fact that in Toy Story 1, Buzz Lightyear is convinced he is a real space ranger, yet for some reason he still become inanimate whenever Andy walks in the room.

Some Plot holes are pretty insignificant to the story, but some could actually give a completely different ending to the movie.  That is the entire premise behind a YouTube Channel called "How it Shoud have Ended" (HISHE).

They do several different movies: Lord of the Rings, Amazing Spider-man, Jurassic Park, Titanic, The Wizard of Oz, and many many more.

If you'd like to check them out, you can simply click HERE or you can visit youtube.com/howitshouldhaveended.  You can also go to youtube and search for "How it Should have Ended"

Let me know which is your favorite video in the comment section.

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