Friday, January 30, 2015

"...but I'm funny how? I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny?"

Some of my favorite films are those that are marketed as something other than a comedy and somehow manage to sneak in some of the funniest scenes in cinema.  Whether it's Morgan Freeman coming up with a rebuttal with someone trying to blackmail Batman, or John Travolta calmly stating the obvious about his gun "going off", there are more than a few scenes where a serious conversation or action sequence garnishes a few laughs from the audience.

"Good Luck"
Below is a short list of some of my favorite "Funny" scenes in non-comedy films.  Please share your own, comment, or share some of your ideas in the comment section.

**Some Spoilers below**

1. The "I-Talian" scene - 'Inglourious Basterds'
2. The "Swordsman" scene - 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'
3. "Dress in Drag and do the hula??" - 'The Lion King'
4. "Oh Man, I just shot Marvin in the face" - 'Pulp Fiction'
5. 'The Room'; I mean, like the entire movie
6. "Just take the cab. Man, they don't even know who's driving these things half the time." - 'Collateral'
7. Any time Tom Cruise dies - 'Edge of Tomorrow'
8. Full Regalia scene (Eye Hole bags) - Django
9. Han Solo runs into a room full of Storm Troopers -
10. "Funny How" scene - 'Goodfellas'

Honorable Mentions:
1. "I need a vacation" - Terminator 2
2. When Wolverine proves it's really him after fighting Mystique to Cyclops- 'X-men'
3. The "Paper" scene - Waterworld (He remarkably reminds me of Robin Williams)
4. Arnold's Glasses - Terminator 3
5. Hulk and Loki - Avengers
6. Numb Tongue - Star Trek (2009)
7. "This Drink; I like it" - 'Thor'

1 comment:

  1. "Here's Johnny!"
    "To do whatever you tell me to drill sargeant!"
    "I dont know im making this us as i go."
    "You bet your @$$ i can see 50 yards!"
    "Why no sir, im in my prime."
    "Well dont sugar coat it like that, tell it to her straight."
    "K mart sucks."
    "Do you like apples?!?"
    "The S.O.B. died of disentary"
    "The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to shoot a bullet, with smaller bullet, while wearing a blindfold, while riding a horse."
